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Because We Care!

Herd Care

Nutrition is a priority at Alliance Dairies because our success depends greatly on the welfare of our animals. We ask high performance of our cows, so we must provide them with the appropriate “fuel” or feed to get the job done without putting stress on their bodies. A dairy nutritionist guides us on ideal rations needed to achieve maximum milk potential, while preserving herd health. These rations are a combination of mixed forages such as corn silage, ryegrass, sorghum and Bermuda grass. We grow more than 85% of the forages, and purchase the remaining 15% from local farmers. On average, each cow eats110 pounds daily.


Through highly managed nutrient plans, recycling of manure waste, and a limited fertilization plan, our goal is to be the best evironmental stewards of the land as stated in our mission statement.

We rotate our crops to replenish nutrients naturally, in addition to watering each plant with pivot irrigation. The crops we grow will eventually become the feed for tomorrow. Ensuring the highest quality crops allows us to produce the highest quality feed, ultimately the highest quality milk.

Milk Care

Our 9,000+ Holstein herd is milked 2 to 3 times per day.  There are two milking parlors and each milk 80 cows at a time.  Our cows produce 9-10 gallons of milk each day.  To help visualize this, think in these terms:  Alliance Dairies can fill 11-12 milk truck tanks in one day.  Milk transportation to the processing plant and marketing efforts are managed by Dairy Farmers of America (DFA), of which Alliance Dairies is a member.  Our milk can be found in Wal-Mart, Publix, Winn-Dixie, Family Dollar, Dollar General, Starbucks, Walgreens, Aldi, in schools and a few other grocery stores in addition to value-added products like cheese.  

Employee Care

Together everyone achieves more! Here at the Alliance Dairies Family, we are constantly working together as a team. Whether rain or shine, the cows need to be milked and there is work to be done, but we do our best to make it fun. From Christmas parties to picnics, we want to make sure that our family is "happy and productive". In addition, we offer opportunities for employees to continue their education with supporting GED/schooling opportunities and health insurance. Hardwork does not go unnoticed here at Alliance Dairies. We would love to have you join our family.

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