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New Barn at Piedmont

New Barn at Piedmont

We finished the new barns at Piedmont! We don't know what we'd do without these guys!

Nutrition Classes

Nutrition Classes

There's always something to learn! These young men from Zimbabwe are learning about nutrition today!

Citizenship Day!

Citizenship Day!

On this day we had 3 people swear in for their US Citizenship!

Citizenship Day!

Citizenship Day!

New Commodity Barn

New Commodity Barn

We broke in the new commodity barn. We had to test it to make sure it was good enough to feed our girls!

New Commodity Barn

New Commodity Barn

New Commodity Barn

New Commodity Barn

CPR & First Aid

CPR & First Aid

Learning CPR & First Aid, there's always something to learn!

Renewable Gas

Renewable Gas

These girls were curious about the renewable gas station!

Renewable Gas

Renewable Gas

Happy and healthy cows

Happy and healthy cows

Dr. Alex always makes sure our girls are happy and healthy!

Gator Women's Basketball Team

Gator Women's Basketball Team

We had a visit from the Gator Women's Basketball Team!

Gator Women's Basketball Team

Gator Women's Basketball Team

Gator Women's Basketball Team

Gator Women's Basketball Team

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